Vuestros vecinos , los de infantil,  han viajado en la maquina del tiempo  a la Edad Media y a la  China milenaria, junto con su señora "Doña Ana Jimena del Toloso" .
Caballeros, damas, dragones, arcos, escudos, joyas.  Pasad y ved !!!!.Hasta un castillo con una torre alta, muy alta y con una gran puerta
que se abre y se cierra

y si os gustan las aventuras,  de osados y valientes caballeros,he aquí la portada de este libro, que os recomiendo leer

Hi , Everybody!!! Halloween is back again , and the  kids have enjoyed making some crafts, like  the  SILLY  SPIDERS and the SCARY DOLLS to decorate the hall . We also played games and sang songs related to this special festivity.

and the hall..... SPOOKY !!!!!
 Remember  go trick  or treating !!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAPPY HALLOWEEN !!!!!!

On 9th September 2015, Queen Elizabeth II overtook  Queen Victoria as Britain´s longest reigning monarch. To celebrate it we have made a Project involving all the kids and different subjects.
We read two amazing books in English and in Spanish:
The kids personalized these knickers for the Queen 
And this is the final result .... the Queen´s portraits were drawn by the  4th and 6th grade students  in arts and crafts